Bibles and Biscuits.........
Bibles and Biscuits is a Georgia based non-profit company formed to:
-help feed the children of Honduras the Living Word of Jesus Christ and a warm meal once per day to show Christ's Love to them and their families and then to disciple them so that they can go out into "their" community and fulfill the Great Commission.
-host teams of Christians in Honduras and leverage the facilities used there to help the team share God's word and show God's Love through the Kid's Kitchens activities , Back Yard Bible Studies or Vacation Bible Schools at the local schools and orphanages. These activities could include construction projects, maintenance on the facilities or just playing with kids.
George and Dania Johns are on the ground and working to do God's work and God's will, but your help is needed. They are located on the main campus in Las Mesas. They manage the kid’s kitchens, the church, the bunk houses and the team visits and all other facets of the mission in Las Mesas. God has blessed the ministry in Honduras and you can be a part of this blessing.
There is one Kid’s Kitchen’s in Las Mesas Honduras. The Lord uses these facilities to share a Bible Study and a hot meal once per weekday. The kitchen works with local schools. The kids come in and study the Word, wash their hands, have the only hot meal many will get and return to school. The kitchens can do all of this for on average $35 per child per month. For roughly the cost of a name brand coffee per day you could support the sharing of a daily Bible Study and hot meal for a needy Honduran child daily for one month. Some first aid and medicine are also available for those in need. These missionaries simply pour out God’s love on these kids who badly need it. You have never seen so many smiling faces. We have a backpack program when funds are available. With this each child takes home food for the weekend and a Bible Study that they are to complete and return. You or your church could support a growing number of programs like this. Simply contact us and we can discuss how you or your church get involved.
As funding is made available the ministry will expand to open new ministries in neighboring communities. But we need your help. Not everyone can travel to Honduras. But everyone can pray and prayer is what we need most. Also many can give. Please donate and help us share Spiritual and Physical nourishment. Will you help? Contact us if you would like to discuss scheduling a mission team for a visit to Honduras to share with Bible Study or other ministries.
We thank you and appreciate your help. More importantly we think this work will please the Heavenly Father. Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three times and told him each time, "Then Feed My Sheep". That is our mission, to feed His sheep. Please help us.........
You can visit us at and on Facebook at to keep up with progress.