We partner with Churches to bring teams to Honduras share God’s love through VBS at local schools, serving at the kid’s kitchen and AG ministry or through construction projects in the community.
Bibles and Biscuits.........
Through our partnership with Source of Light Ministries, we are growing those that come to Christ in the Word so they can become confident disciples to share in their community.
The Ag College in Zamaranno has senior students that work with the mission to improve out gardening and poultry products to help feed the kids in the kitchen and teach them to grow their own food.
By sharing a hot meal, we create the opportunity to show God's love and to share the scripture every day with 30-50 local children and their families.
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Bibles and Biscuits Ministries is a Georgia based non-profit company formed to help feed the children of Honduras the Living Word of Jesus Christ and a warm meal once per day to show Christ's Love to them and their families. We also host teams of 6-8 Christians to share God's word and show God's Love through the Kid's Kitchens activities , Back Yard Bible Studies or Vacation Bible Schools at the local schools and orphanages. Finally and most importantly our goal is to grow those that come to Christ in the Lord so that they can go out into "Their" community and share the word of God and bring lost souls to His Kingdom.
Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three times and told him each time, "Then Feed My Sheep". That is our mission, to feed His sheep.
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